Well that was nowhere near as bad as I thought it was going to be!
Yep its wet, and yep thats probably an understatement. We have had some serious rain in the last couple of weeks. But its splashy mud, not sticky mud (which is a small blessing) and Ash Ranges does drain exceptionally well, or it would do if the rain ever stops long enough.
The course is short (6 miles) which makes things much more manageable in the wet conditions. There is plenty of the trade mark Gorrick single track to put a smile on your face, although more than the normal amount of fire road to try and circumnavigate the worst bits of the mud. I can see me being thankful of the fire road come race day, at least it will provide a place to refuel.
I rode round with a cross mark on the front and a Ralph on the back. The bike is currently in the workshop (which actually means "Jason is in the garage while I cook him tea") having the Ralph replaced for a cross mark. Mud tires would be seriously overkill and a nightmare on the exposed slippery roots.
I was quite expecting to come away with list of excuses why I couldn't race tomorrow. Unfortuantly I don't think there are any.
Dry your eyes, MTFU and get out on your bikes.
See you all tomorrow!
More on the Merida Brass Monkeys Winter Enduro Rd 3: