Published: 17th May, 2010
"RICE stands for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation and is the best method for the immediate treatment of most sports injuries."
Apparently your knees are meant to be the same size. Who'd have thought it!
Yesterday was round two of the Fullysussed South West Race Series and I should have been up on Woodbury common fighting with the Green Beret trained gorse bushes and coming home no doubt with the lasting souvenir commonly know as Woodbury rash. But I wasn't I was at home with my leg up and my knee wrapped in a tea towel full of ice.
It had been hurting before the trip to Wasing. Being a bloke I assumed it was all right as it didn't hurt when cycling only walking. Perhaps I over did things on the Wednesday evening with a three mile run to the gym, 2.4km fitness test, hour of sport and then a run home. Let's just say Thursday morning things were bit sore, sore enough for me to ring a friend who happens to be a sports injury specialist.
He took one look, pointed out the swelling and that I needed to get that reduced before we could work out what was wrong. He did say I could ride but I'd be better off resting it.
And this is the point it all got a bit weird, rather than say "I'll be all right" and riding anyway, I started to consider the "bigger picture." BMBS Rd 3 only a couple of weeks away, I still had a bit of a chesty cough, so it might be better to rest, get rid of both ailments and be ready to do my best against the hills of Margam. The Bigger Picture won, a week off the bike and some house hold chores acheived instead.
I think I may be turning into a serous racer, not a very good one but a serious one! Assessment on the knee tomorrow so hopefully hill training again on Wednesday. Is there any hope for me?
new racer trying to fight his way through the masters pack.
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