XC Racer Blog Post

Who Fartlek'd

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BY: Rob Smith

Published: 6th May, 2010

Fartlek Swedish word meaning speed play developed in the 1930 by Gösta Holmér isn't the internet a great thing.


After this evenings session I don't remember much playing what I do remember is flat out efforts not knowing how long you had to keep going for, as the "fun" part of the Fartlek session is that each participant get to choose the duration of the recovery period and the effort.  Democracy in action how apt on election night!  All you need to do is find a relatively flat piece of ground to ride on and repeat until done.  


If your idea of play is to ride at max effort for an undisclosed length of time or indeed if your idea of fun to control the time keeping then this is the session for you! 


At least it wasn't raining!


And do you know what I actually enjoyed it!


See you Sunday!

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Rob Smith

new racer trying to fight his way through the masters pack.

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